Monday, January 10, 2011

A holder for my Ipad made of chopsticks

Once again, part of the MacGyver Challenge in the readyMade magazine, I submitted a project that was higlighted 3 days ago in the ReadyMade blog. Using 13 chopsticks and one nut and bolt. The holder can also be used as a dock station and is very stable.

The Result:

The tool needed:

The Material
13 chopsticks
1 nut with bolt (4/40) 

The cost
Very cheap

How to make it
Just click on the link here.


It takes half a day to glue the chopsticks together and have a fun rack different from what you could find anywhere else.


  1. Dear Mr. Stephan Vigues:

    Sorry for bothering, and may I introduce myself to you.
    I am editor of one Lohas magazine of Taiwan.
    Every month we search international eco news to our readers.
    I’m sure that our readers will like your design of “chopstick ipad holder”,
    To see more green designs will make more people learn green concept,
    If you don’t mind our reporting, would you please give us some high-resolution photos of “chopstick ipad holder”?
    Here is our magazine website and please take a look if having time:
    Thank you for reading and hope your replying.

    here is my

  2. This web is so amazing, there are some ideal that we can't buy but do it by ourself. Thank you so much.
    However, can you give me some advices about ipad holder on the wall, please? Because padtab is so expensive for me to buy and I want to learn cooking recipe through lessons in ipad when I practise at home..
    My email is I'm waiting yours.
