Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Upcycled stools

These stools are found here made with pieces of hardwood. The pieces are tightened up with long bolts.
You can make your own stool by using long bolts used for building decks:
Or you decide to pay 500 euros for this original stool named "Bits of wood 2.0"

Monday, May 20, 2013

Using PVC pipes to make a bike seat

There are a lot of front mount-bike seats on the market. Most are available on line but you can not try them on your own bike. I found this one on Amazon that I like but was concerned about the geometry of my own bike to fit this device. This front mount seat was $99 and is not available anymore on amazon.

I then decided to make my own using only PVC pipes and zip ties.

The main pipe is 2 inches PVC pipe that I drilled at each extremities to fit the seat post and on the other side where the stem is. I used hole saw attached to a drill to make clean holes all the way through the pipe.

On the seat post

On the stem
For the passenger feet, I had to design a T-Shaped structure made of 1 inch PVC pipes, I happened to have 2 holes in the frame where you can attach a bottle holder, instead I attach the foot rest pipes, with an extra zip tie to help the screws that are a bit further down:

I attached an old saddle to the main pipe by drilling little holes and using zip ties:

At the end, the PVC pipe is very sturdy and does not care about a 40 pounds kid seating on it. I did not put any handle for the passenger, I think it's not safe in case of a fall. it's too close to the chest.
Also, one downside with my version: it's not as good looking and It's not quick release, but I do not care.
The good side: it cost almost nothing to make it: $5 if you have to buy the pipes... and I feel very safe to ride with. But even if it looks safe, if you try your own version, I'm, in any case, NOT (thanks geembob) responsible for any injury that might occur...

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Upcycled inside walls

From here

I love the idea of reusing pipes, bottles to create walls and separate inside spaces with an refreshing touch.

From Recyclart

Monday, May 6, 2013

Upcycling naval mines.

Naval mines are probably the most unexpected upcyling you could think of.
This is made by an  Estonian artist named Mati Karmin who collects the mines left from world war II.

A Firelace:

A bathtub:

A chair:

A baby carriage:

With upcycled "toys" for the baby!!