The aluminium from soda can is flexible and is easy to give a 3D shape. I have started with the same flower shape, then I also tried butterflies.
The Result
My picture does not look as professional as the original Umbra design, but the aluminum gives a pretty nice touch to the wall.
The Tools needed

Scissors and double face tape.
The material
A soda can
How to make it
The can can be cut with scissors on each end and then flatten as a rectangle.
It's very easy to find butterflies template on line using any search tool with butterfly as a keyword.
For the flower this is the template I used, just resize it to play with any size you want.
The double face scotch sticks aluminium easily on the wall.
The cost
If you have scissors and tape, the cost is almost nothing, you just have to enjoy your soda cans and keep them for your projects. By the way, keep more because more projects are coming.
It's unbelievable all that can be done with soda can, I'll try to bring more exciting projects later. Stay tuned!